Sunday, July 1, 2012

My installation art.

1. Include answers from Step 3.
A. What is installation art?
Installation art is work of art in a specific location to transform the area.  The artwork takes up the area that it is in and is able to stay at the location.
B. What materials are used installation art?
Anything can be used in installation art. Paint, Wood, Paper, Flowers Billboards, Steel, and chairs; anything that the artist wants can be included in the art can be used in an installation artwork. The artist is the one that choses what he wants to include and what he wanted to be part of his artwork.
C. Why make installation art? 
An installation art I feel gets people thinking about the artwork. It makes people think about different objects in their lives. When you see something unusual in a space that normally shouldn’t be there it makes you think. Artists want a way to express themselves too. Installation art gives the artists a way to express themselves and they can use installation art to express themselves.
D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?
I liked the artist Andy Goldworthy. He created an instillation art that takes a while to make but doesn’t last long. It will normally break and fall apart. The piece that I found most interesting is Reconstructed Icicles, Dumfrieshire (1995).
2. Include answers from Step 4.
A. From the material reviewed, is there an inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?
 The piece that I am most connected with was Andy Goldworthy’s Reconstructed Icicles, Dumfrieshire (1995) To create this piece he reconstructed icicles and refroze them. He created this unique design around the tree. I would have never thought to do something like this. He created a work of art using just ice and he used something that, here in western NY we see all the time, icicles. They are everywhere and I see them for months but I would have never thought to create something like that. Also, he creates something that only lasts for a few hours. He probably spent a lot of time creating this icicle and it only lasts a few hours and it will probably fall and break apart. It is just a great piece.
B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text) (Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)
The theme that I chose to work with was nature. I enjoy being outside and I wanted to make something outside. I also decided to use something that is found in nature which was wood. The wood pieces allowed me to create the artwork and it’s design.
 C. What materials will I use?
Wood Pieces and Arcylic Paint on some of the Wood Pieces.
 D. Where will this installation be located and why?
This will be installed in the backyard. I wanted to have it in an outdoor space so that I could view it. I wanted to put it in my girlfriend’s flower garden but with all the flowers we couldn’t find enough space to put it in. I chose a corner of the grass so the piece could be displayed.
3. Include digital images from Step 6
Front View
 ( You can see the center circle with the colors and the swirls that end in color)

Side View

Angled view

Another side view

Far-side view

Look from above

4.& 5. Describe your installation. Be sure to use the worksheet from Project #3 as your guide. Analyze your installation. Be sure to use the worksheet from Project #3 as your guide.

Art Criticism: Describing and Analyzing Artwork Worksheet
Artist:  Richard Cruz
Title of work: Wood in the Grass
Media: Wood pieces and wood with acrylic.
Date June 30, 2012
Size:  3ft by 2.5 feet
1.            Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.
2.            Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
As I look at this piece of artwork I see wood pieces and they are in a specific pattern all facing one direction. The center circle has four colors going around and then there are swirl lines coming out from the circle. At the end of the swirl the color is again visible and it is the same color of where the swirl began. It is a very interesting to look at and with the piece being outside the shadow of the wood pieces also plays a role in the artist value of the artwork.
3.            Formal analysis – (form) What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
There were a lot of elements and principles being used in this artwork. First color the grass and the four vibrant colors used on the wood, and the color of the plain wood. Line is also used with the wood pieces in the grass. The wood pieces are straight up from the ground up and also the swirl of the line coming from the center of the circle. The circle is also another line while it is going around the center.

6. What are your thoughts on the planning and creation of a site specific installation?
At first I was a little confused on what to do and I was unsure of how I wanted to create an installation piece. I looked around at different materials and as soon as I found these wood craft sticks I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted the original wood look on some of the wood and the other I wanted to have color. I wanted the color to pop out so that is why I only used a few colors and used them sparingly. Once I came up with the idea I was excited to start and I liked creating this piece outside.

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