Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 10 Video Review

 1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.

African Art- I have always thought African art was interesting to look at. I wanted to know more about it and understand where they got their inspiration from.

Buddhism- I like the beliefs of this religion and I was again interested in learning more about the religion of Buddhism.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

African Art- The only time a living thing or animal is portrayed in a piece of African art is when a king or ruler is being portrayed that is the only time it can be created.  It was because of this that art was used to please ancestors and spirits. Most often they are in statues and masks were used in art. The dead is believed to give powers to the living.

Buddhism- The Great Stupa has a walkway around it. Everything around it is in contrast to the Stupa. A pilgrim must always walk clockwise in a temple as per tradition; the pilgrim will forget everything and be able to open their mind.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos add more to the reading. I feel that the reading is like a quick introduction and the videos go into more detail and understanding of the subjects.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

I liked the films. They were interesting and gave more of an understand than the book does. They explain more of the background information that helps to understand more of the concepts that are needed to understand Buddhism and African art.

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