Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mask Making Project

 Art Criticism: Describing and Analyzing Artwork Worksheet

Artist: Baule People

Title of work: Baule Mask

Media: Unknown

Date: 50+ years old.

Size: 11 inches by 5 inches

Source of picture (URL): http://www.genuineafrica.com/Baule_Mask_29.htm

1.            Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.


2.            Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?

There is a face on the bottom half of the mask. The top portion has a crown look to it. The forehead has a rectangular box in the center. There is a triangular shapes going around the face part of the mask. The color is a natural brown color.

3.            Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used?

This is a monochromatic color tone to this African art. It is all brown with a little lighter brown around the eyes. The nose of the face creates a center line down the center of the mask that leads your eyes to the eyes of the mask and towards the outer part of the eye. There is a pattern of the triangles around the face of the mask. The mask is balance all around on both sides. If you were to fold this mask in half it would mirror itself. The proportions of the mask are proportion to the mask size and shape.

 Art Criticism: Describing and Analyzing Artwork Worksheet
Artist: Lega People
Title of work: Lega Mask
Media: Wood
Date: 45+ years old.
Size: 13 inches by 8.5 inches
Source of picture (URL): http://www.genuineafrica.com/African-Masks-Lega-Mask-4.htm
1.            Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.
2.            Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
There is a face and on the face there is polka dots around the entire face. The eyes and mouth are both oval shapes (Almost football like.) The entire mask is a brown color. The nose comes out of the mask a little at the bottom of the nose.  
3.            Formal analysis – (form) What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
This is a brown monochromatic color tone to this African art. It is all brown and has a little bit of lighter brown.  The make has a unity in it because of the color and the spots around the entire face. The line of the nose makes your eye move around the mask. The proportion of the mask is entirely even around the mask this also gives it a balance. The spot gives emphasis and variety to the mask. It gives something visually to look at that is pleasing to the eye.
Art Criticism: Describing and Analyzing Artwork Worksheet
Artist: Dan People
Title of work: Dan Mask
Media: Wood with cowry shells and bells
Date: 60+ years old.
Size: 12 inches by 8.25 inches
1.            Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.
2.            Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
The Dan mask has an oval face to it. It has a crown going around the top of it. The crown seems to have shells around it. The eyes on this mask are closed. It has bigger lips and large eyebrows. It also has a large protruding forehead. The color of the mask is monochromatic except for the off white shells around the entire head.
3.            Formal analysis – (form) What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
This mask is mostly monochromatic with the color being all brown except around the eye and the shells. It has an emphasis of the shells that gives it a variety and a little bit of off white color. The shells also create a line that makes your eye move around the top of the mask. The mask is all even and proportion throughout the whole mask. The shells also give some texture to the mask. The mask is completely balanced throughout and is even on both sides

My Mask


I used many elements and principles in my finished mask. I used the element of color. I used bright color and colors that contrasted each other. Unity is shown in the use of the triangles around the outer edge of the mask. This also created balance with the triangles and the symmetric eyes of the mask. The line of the line of the edge of the triangles also creates a line that allows your eye to move around the mask. Variety is created with the use of colors. The colors are all bright and different. Unity is also created with the use of circles for both the mouth and eyes.
I liked making this mask. At first I was nervous about how my mask would turn out and how I was going to create it. After I started looking at masks online it made me feel more comfortable and I was able to complete this project with ease. I liked thinking of ideas that I wanted to incorporate and use with my mask. I think it looks a little more creative than a mask I found online just because of the color element that I had. I wanted to have the color to add more variety to it plus mine was made out of clay and the ones online were made of wood which is normally only one color.

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