Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video reviews: Week 6

Installation Art Video

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

I learned that during installation art the artist is very particular about where and how the art is set up. They want their art to look the best that it possibly could and if one little aspect of it isn’t what the artist has envisioned the art could be ruined. It needs to be perfect. Installation art can use anything that the artist wants and could be placed anywhere the artist invasions.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The textbook shows installations artwork. There are different types and the video helped with giving more examples. The textbook and the video together has helped me develop ideas to use for project # 3.  They both help further explain installation art and how artist use this type of work to express themselves.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

The video gave me a greater understanding of the concept of installation art. I helped me think of some ideas to use for project #3. The film is good to watch and it wasn’t too long and was able to give a good understanding of installation art.

Glass and Ceramics Video

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Stained glass windows are so interesting the techniques that they use are so interesting. First they go view the space and decide what colors would work well in the space. Next they draw a replica of the window would look like. The artist uses the replica to create the window. They cut out pieces of the window and put them between lead strips. The strips are molded together and the glass is covered in clay. After all these steps are completed the window is ready to be installed.  I also like the illustrations of the ceramics are made. The video shows how the clay is hardened in the heat and what is needed to make it a good ceramic piece.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

I liked how the video showed the different way that crafts and glass artwork can be created. It again highlights the book. I felt the book goes into further details of the background where it was created and who started creating it, while the video was good at showing how the art is created.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

I really liked this video, I have always wanted to go to the Corning Museum of Glass. It was interesting to see how glass is made and how stained glass windows are created. Watching the videos help put what was read into a better understanding.  It helps to watch the video to further the understanding of how ceramics are made and the quality are based on the materials are used and the temperature of the fire that is used to make the ceramic art. It is really interesting to watch and learn about.

Through the Eyes of a Scultpure

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

A sculpture needs to make sure the limestone is sound and no cracks. There is a specific sound it makes if there is a crack and it isn’t able to be used if there is a crack in it. Marble, clay and limestone are all able to be used in sculpture.  When creating pieces he needs to make sure he considers all the conditions that the sculpture will be in so he can make sure that the sculpture will last. Also when creating the sculpture he needs to make sure that the sculptures are sound and able to last for a long time without breaking under pressure.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The textbook shows a lot of different examples of sculptures and explains how they are created but the video goes into more detail and actually shows you how he created these sculptures. These artworks are wonderful and it is fantastic to see how he is able to make them by chipping away pieces of limestone and creating these magnificent pieces.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

I again liked this video because I was able to see how he chipped the limestone away and created these magnificent sculptures. He is very talented and explains a lot of his work in the video. He is able to give a greater understanding of what it is like to create a sculpture.

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