Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Exhibition Videos

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Lowdown on the Lowbrow- Lowbrow is art that is different than it ever was. After watching this video I think it is the art that appeals to different cultures. It includes art like pop art that gain the viewer’s attention and it is a certain type of art that makes people think and it may not seem like it makes sense it does in the end.

The Tate Approach- In the Tate Approach they used a thematic approach and organized it. They used four themes when they organized them. They used themes to match the works of art with the other works. They put theses matching themes together. I think it is better to have themes to organized because it organized art in the museum but also helps people to reconized the organization and works that relate to each other.

Bones of Contention- This movie is about the bones of 10,000 Native American’s are in museums to be studied and their relatives want their bones back. They don’t want their realtives back and they do not want them sitting in museums and studied. Native American’s are a large part of history so it is understandable that people want to study their bones but we also need to understand they were people and they might not want to be studied.

Philippe de Montebello- Montebello was the Metropolitan Museum of Art served for 31 years. He was able to get 84,000 pieces of art. He wanted to get “truly outstanding piece of work.” He wanted to make the Met a showcase for European art. He later made it all areas of the world showcase for art. He made this museum wonderful for everyone to look at and experience.

2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.

They do relate to the creation of an Art Exhibition. They got me thinking about what needs to go into planning an exhibition if I was a real art director. Especially the Philippe de Montebello video, this video really got me to understand what goes into making a real exhibition. The Tate Approach made me think about themes and separating arts into themes to organize.

3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project.

I liked the videos they were very interesting. The Philippe de Montebello was the most helpful to the Exhibition project and so was the Tate Approach. The other two videos helped but they didn’t help me to understand what needs to go into creating an exhibition.

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