Sunday, July 1, 2012


 1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Praire Style: Frank Lloyd Wright is very popular architect around our area. His ideas of Prairie style home create a unique space in homes. The homes are wide open and create a one with the nature around it. The homes are long and the rooms seem to blend together as you walk through. The houses have lines (horizontal lines) that run across them. The house is “unique” experience because you don’t see a normal house setup when you walk into one of his houses. The house is open and rooms are almost one. The outside entrances are almost hidden because he doesn’t want to emphasis the door but the house and the environment. These homes are wonderful and I have been to the Darwin Martin house it is interesting to see how this video highlights the feature in that home as well.

Architecture: Science and Design: During this video the most interesting and  key concept I learned was the smart apartment. I thought it was interesting how they can create this house that is all controlled from one spot. The computer/ or telephone can create everything that is needed for a home function. The hot water can be turned on before you wake up and the heat can be increased. I find all of this amazing. I would think that this is something from a movie not in a real home. Everything that you do or don’t do the computer keeps track of and regulates itself accordingly.

Classical Architecture: During England history some of the classical buildings started to become replaced by new architects and designs. Churches, parliament and the Bank of England building are all examples of buildings that had some classical designs and were then redesigned with a newer updated modern architecture. These buildings were part of history and their original classical look showed it’s age and after it was updated it gave it a new fresher look to it.

Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art: The Guggenheim museum is a very interesting building; it was create by Gehry and seems to have curves and shapes surrounding the museum. The building is an icon that is understood and very popular. The museum is a powerful symbol of where architecture is going and what today’s architects are striving to reach.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos add to the reading in the textbook. It just helps to further the understanding the architecture has a powerful impact on our lives. Architecture is everywhere and it is something that I never really thought much of but after reading the material and viewing the videos I see that it is very power thought out history and still is today.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

I found the videos to be very interesting. They go into great detail and help understand the textbook further. Architecture is very important part of our lives and it needs to be understood and the history is important part of its understanding. These videos and the textbook help further the understanding.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose the video about Frank Gehry because I was very interested in his work. I haven’t seen anything in person but I have heard of him before and I wanted to know more. I love how he uses such new ideas and strives to create these building like the Guggenheim museum to create a wonder and curiosity in everyone who views them.

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