Sunday, July 22, 2012

Videos from Week 12

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
Andy Warhol- I did not know a lot about Warhol and I wanted to learn a lot more than what I knew and what the textbook stated. I find it interesting to learn about these different artists and their lives.  I chose the video the Art of Henry Moore because it seemed interesting and I thought I would be able to learn a lot from the video.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Andy Warhol was very interested in a lot of celebrities like Marilynn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.  He created silkscreens of them and printed their images over and over again. It was a series that he created with Marilynn’s face using different colors. He created a 3.6 meter high image of Elizabeth Taylor was created of an image of her on a horse.
World War 2 had a large impact on Henry Moore he drew a lot of what he had seen during the war and what he remembered seeing from the war. He drew images of adults and children sleeping a train underground tunnel a safe place to be during the bombing. He created a memorial sculpture to remember the War and the people.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
These videos gave different material then the book discussed. It added more to my understanding of the material and the lives of the artists and what they created in their careers.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I really enjoyed these videos I really liked understanding about their lives and how their lives and the events that happened around them impacted their art work. Warhol used the death of Monroe to highlight her in his work and World War 2 had an impact on Moore’s work.  There wasn’t much about Henry Moore in the book, so it was interesting to learn about him.

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