Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter 14/15 videos

1. Explain why you selected each of the three videos you choose from the selection listed above.

More Human than Human- It was selected for me to view

The Black Death Visits Tuscany- I like to learn about the Black Death. It is a very interesting disease and it has a huge impact on any area that it reaches. I just wanted to learn how it affected Tuscany.

The Birth of the Middle Ages- This is an important time in history and I like to learn about the Middle Ages. The castles and emperors of this time interest me.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

More Human than Human-  The brains of the artists making female statues (Venus) embellished female feature because that is the way their brains may have been programmed. They needed to place emphasis on the curves of the female bodies because that is what was best for fertility.

The Black Death Visits Tuscany- With people dying and the city struggling people didn’t have money for artworks, until the mid-1350’s. The depictions are flatter and give less emotion away to the viewer. People were less optimistic of life and the effects of the Back Plague were still on artist’s minds. The depictions of hell are a very important topic of the arts in this time period. The ways of death and reason of death are a popular topic after the Black Death.

The Birth of the Middle Ages- The fortified middle ages town was a city surrounded by a wall to protect them. The people of this time started to use natural boundaries like mountains. Survival was the most important thing in the people’s lives. The people started to go to the country because it was safer and less violent than the walled cities during this time.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

These videos add more to the reading I am very interested in this time period and I like to read about these times. The people of this era interest me and I like to hear how they lived their lives and their thoughts about the life they were living. The videos added more to the reading. The reading gave an overview of the material that is beign taught but the videos highlight and go into more detail.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I think the videos were very good in my opinion. They were very interesting to me because I like this time period

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