Saturday, July 28, 2012

Burchfield Penny Visit

Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit?
          The Artist Among Us II
2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
          The theme is artists that are from our community. The Burchfield Penny members decided to display the artists from our area before and this is the second time.

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:
1. What type of lighting is used?
          Most of the lighting that was used at the art gallery was natural lighting. They had skylights and large window doors in the front entrance way. They also had lights but they were only used to help the natural light. The day I went it was cloudy so the light aided the natural light.
2. What colors are used on the walls?
          The colors on the wall were mostly white paint. There was one room gallery on the first floor that was gray.
3. What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?
The materials that were used were paint on the walls. They also had walls that curved around certain aspects of the gallery. It was used as a divider. There was also a glass wall on the second floor so you could look down and view all the art on the first floor. I didn’t realized it was there until I was on the second floor.
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
          The movement was very smooth and the walls were put together so that you could easily walk around the gallery and move about without getting confused or lost with the different artworks.

Step 3: The Artwork
 Questions about the artwork:
1. How are the artworks organized?
          The artworks were hung about the wall. They were atleast two feet from the round and went about 8 feet up. They were all arranged together so that you could easily view all the pieces. There was no order or arrangement they were just hung on the walls.
2. How are the artworks similar?
          The artworks are similar because mostly all of them could be hung on the walls. Also most of the artists are local or somewhat close to the area.
3. How are the artworks different?
          They are different because every artwork is unique and different. There were no two of the same or even very similar. All the pieces were a part of someone’s ideas and thoughts. Some of the art was photographs, drawings, paintings, and some were mixed media collages.
4. How are the artworks framed?
The artworks were all framed. Some were behind glass others were not. The frames were all different in colors and size.
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
          The artworks were identified on a off white plaque next to the work. It has the artist’s name, title piece and type of artwork.
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
          The artworks were very close together, only inches apart from each other. The frames are what separated the pieces.

Step 4: Art Criticism Exercise

Art Criticism: Describing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Artwork

Artist: Stephen C. Dubois
Title of work: O Schonheit
Media: Mixed Media and Acrylic
Date: 2011
Size: Unknown

1.   Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.

2.   Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
This work is very interesting and fun. It has bright colors and seems to be have flowers in it with the mixed media. The art seems to be made of tissue paper that is twisted and collaged on it. The artist also put paint on the piece.

3.   Formal analysis – (form) What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
He used colors in this work. It is bright and dramatic changes between the bright yellow and darker blue. He also uses space with the mixed media. The media comes away from the piece and gives it a little dimension. There is texture in this piece. He used the mixed media and paint to create a texture on this piece. He used variety with the different variation of color and texture within the piece.

4.   Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)
This work reminds me of a garden. It is full of bright colors and some of the mixed media seems to be placed in a flower shape. It could be his interpretation of a flower garden.

5.   Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying to say?
I think the artists want to show us the bright and variety that he could make. He wanted to show the different color variation within the artwork.

Art Criticism: Describing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Artwork

Artist: Christine Daly
Title of work: A Red Lily
Media: Oil on board
Size: Unknown

1.       Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.
2.       Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
This artwork is a lily laying on a pail. The pail is sitting on a ledge or table against a wall.  The lily is red and the pail is white. The table is brown and the wall is an off white wall. This is very realistic and could have been painted from a real still life.

3.   Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
The element of color was shown by the dull and muted colors within the art. Line is shown in the way the lily is laying across the pail. The line of the stem brings your attention to the flower of the lily. Emphasis is drawn to the lily flower. The flower is the only part of the painting that has color. She used scale because of the flower and pail is about the real size that it would be if it was lifelike.

4..      Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)
          There isn’t anything in this painting that I remind me of anything. It is very straightforward and it is what it shows; a pail and lily.

6.   Interpretation - (content) What do you think the artist was trying to say?
I think the artist was trying to show the use of color to emphasis something. She was able to emphasis the color element of the lily flower. She wanted to show the lily and highlight the variety and  color of the flower.

Art Criticism: Describing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Artwork

Artist: Kelly Root
Title of work: Slue Snowfall
Media: Wood, found objects
Date: 2012
Size: Unknown

1. Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.
2. Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
     I see a city street on a snowy night. A few houses are light up and the piece is in a view that seems to be behind the first set of house taken from their backyard.  The houses across the street are lite up which seems to be from the street lights. The snow seems to have just fallen and is the light powdery snow.  The trees in the front of the art is 3D like and come out from the background.

3. Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used?
     She uses emphasis in the way that houses are lite up especially across the street because the front of the work is darker and the back is lighter and brighter than the rest. Line is also used in the trunk of the trees. Their trunk brings your eye down. The lines of the houses also brings your eye around the artwork. Texture is shown with the use of wood in the tree. The wood that is used is a different material then the rest and shows texture. Pattern is shown with the houses. All of the houses are about the same and are one after another. Unity is shown with the white snow and the shapes of the houses. They are all the same and look the same so they seem like they belong together. Balance is also shown in the way that she displayed the houses and they are equal apart and the same shape and size.

4. Bracketing - Is there anything in or about this work that reminds you of anything else? Do you see any symbols, metaphors, or allegories?  (iconography)
This art reminds me of a winter scene from a Christmas book. It is very story like and any writer could write a story based off of this picture. The pieces is very straightforward and shows what it seems to be depicting.

5.  Interpretation - (content)  What do you think the artist was trying to say?
          I think the artist is trying to express the way a city street looks like when the snow first falls. The artwork is shown with very detail and it is what a street could look like if you look out of your backyard on to the street behind you.

Step 5: Document Your Visit

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