Friday, June 8, 2012

Photo Bucket Slideshow

You can find my PhotoBucket SlideShow on this Website

I found this project at first very interesting, and I did not realize how difficult it would be until I started to take pictures. This week was a good week to have this project because I had planned a little day trip to Alleghany, so some of my pictures are from here and other pictures are from my house.

While I was taking pictures I would first review the book again to make sure that understood the elements and principles before I took a picture. I then thought about where I wanted to take a picture and if it would be the best place to take the pictures. When I took the picture, I made sure that I had each element and principle pictured correctly. It took me a few days to finish taking all of my pictures and decide which picture was better to fit the particular element or principles.

1. Line: This was my hammock. I wanted to show the lines the ropes made.
2. Shape: A doll and bear in the window I wanted to show the shape of the two together and the shape that they have made.
3. Light: I was trying to show the way that the light hit my car and how the light had shown off of it.
4. Color: The vibrant color the flowers can be seen in the this picture.
5. Texture: The texture of my Dog's (Gabi) fur, you can almost see how fluffy she is.
6. Unity: The flowers create a sense of unity.
7. Balance: Balance can be seen with Gabi in the middle and the ripples around her.
8. Emphasis: The single flower on this rose bush shows emphasis.
9. Scale: The massive rock and my son on it shows the differences in scale.
10. Rhythm: The repeated spokes of the railing over and over can be seen to show a rhythm.
11. Porportion: The way the petals of the Rose shows porportion on all sides of the rose.
12. Motion: The flag waving in the wind show's motion of the flag.
13.Space: The bird feeder is shown  in the empty space all around it.
14. Variety: Variety is shown in the one green square surrounded by the pink squares.

(I did have some difficulty with PhotoBucket. I tried multiple times to have all of my pcitures in the right direction. In my Album they are saved in the correct direction but when I went to make a slideshow they would revert back to their original position. I tried multiple times and I had always saved it, and it did save but it wouldn't be correct in the slideshow. Sorry if they are hard to see because of their position.)

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