Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First Gallery Visit: Albright Knox

A.) Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?

1. Camille Pissarro Peasants in the Field, Eragony 1890 Oil on Canvas

This work impressed me because of the use of pointillism. You can see the artist’s use of the paintbrush sort of like she put the brush up then put it back down again. These points on the canvas are so interesting because I wouldn’t have thought that all of these different points could work together to become one painting. This painting made me feel that I could be standing right in the field with them.                                              

2. Paul Shartis Frozen Film Frame Senesca 1971-1976 16mm filmstrips and Plexiglas

This work impressed me because this work really shows that anything can be turned into art. I have seen film strips and I would have never thought to make this type of art work. I just assumed that filmstrips would sit in a drawer and wait until they were thrown away, someone had enough creativity to take all of these strips and put them together to make this. When I first walked into the room I thought that this was a woven rug or blanket. It wasn’t until I got a lot closer that I realized it wasn’t cloth it was film strips. I really enjoyed this work.

B.) Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?

1. Giacomo Bella Dinamismo diun Caneal Guinzaglio (dynasm of a Dog on leash) 1912 Oil on Canvas

I connected with this painting because I grew up with dogs my whole life. I even had a Daushound which it looks like this is the dog in the painting. It reminded me of when my dad would walk him and he walked so fast that my dog had to run to keep up. It looks like this painting. I really liked this painting.

2. Juan Gris Le Canigou 1921 Oil on Canvas

This painting of a guitar and music reminded me of my son. He is learning to play a guitar by his grandfather and taking lessons at school. He always has his guitar out with the music. When I saw this it just immediately reminded me of him.

C.) Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?

1. Max Beckmann Hotel Lobby 1950 Oil on Canvas

This painting grabbed my attention because of the dark blank and the use of bolder colors and then the painting left me with wanting to know more. Why did he want to paint this so dark? Where was this hotel lobby? Was it a real lobby or did he just create his own lobby? Why are there so many people? Where these people travelers or local people? Why were most of the people looking outward towards me?  

2. Michelangelo Pistoletto Sacre Conversazione 1963 Tissue paper on stainless steel

This work immediately got my attention and I wanted to know more about these people? Did they know each other? How well did they know each other? What are they talking about? Why did they look concerned? What did these people do? Where are the people from?


  1. I really liked your review of these artworks, because it seemed like you were very connected to these certain pieces because they reminded you of something in your life or past. I think that artwork has a cyclical life and can provide a separate meaning for whomever is viewing it. I really liked how you shared the comment about how the guitar reminded you of your son.

  2. I'm going to agree with Kelly, you really seemed intrigued and connected to the pieces you selected. :) I think the film strips is really cool too that even the most mundane items can be turned into something beautiful.
