Thursday, June 21, 2012

My logo.

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.

I really wanted to create a logo that was creative and expressed the four main parts of myself. I really wanted to be creative and as I looked online for different logos. I noticed a lot of logos had symbols but I didn’t know what they meant. For example the NBC logo, I have no idea what the circle/rings mean. I know the logo and I would be able to recognize it but I don’t know what it means. The Olympics is another example. I wanted to make sure that I had my logo parts labeled.

2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.

I knew I wanted squares I liked the idea of having straight lines in my logo and the squares helped me with that. I wasn’t exactly sure how I wanted to arrange the squares that were part of my first sketches. When I figured out the square arrangements I wasn’t sure how I wanted the colors. I wanted bold colors so it would “pop.” When I labeled what the squares meant I found that I couldn’t paint over the letters. I tested it on a scrap paper and you couldn’t see the letters after the paint dried. I didn’t want to use colored pencils or crayons because I wanted the bold colors.  So I left the labels on the outer sides of the squares to have a uniformed look for my logo. So my final logo had more white than I originally wanted but I wanted labels and this is the only way that would work with my design.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?

The most important discovery I made was the paint and how I wouldn’t be able to write and cover it with paint and still have the words shown through. Also I had to think about myself and what most described myself and what I wanted to show people about me. These four things are the most important parts of myself; I am a father, a son, a boyfriend and I am currently a security guard but I really would like to become a police officer so that square would change as soon as I get that job.

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

The most important thing that I had learned from the videos is that when creating a new label that is easily recognizable it is really hard because you want to stay close to the original and yet you still need something new that people with feel comfortable with. Designers do not want to be the one to mess up a label of a popular product.

So much goes into making and designing a label this is truly an art form. Graphic designers need to know about the laws of similarity, closeness and proximity and experience. They need to know how the elements and principles and how when I figure is close enough to looking like an shape for example a triangle but maybe it’s missing a line the human eye still makes it into a triangle. All of this is something a graphic designer needs to study and understand before they can make a logo for a company. They need to know and understand how the public will react to the logo to make it the best for the company.

I like the videos they gave a lot of information and it moved quickly. They were able to explain logos and how a new label could be redesigned for a company.  These were interesting videos and were able to keep interest while watching.

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3

Sketch #4

Final Logo Design

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