Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Color Wheel and Value Scale

Color Wheel

Value Scale

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.

I liked making both the value and color wheel. I do not get to use acrylic paint or charcoal pencils at all. I do not think that I have used them since high school art class. I liked using these materials to create these two different things. It also made it more valuable when learning about the color wheel and value scale. The color wheel I have seen a hundred times but I never really had created one.

2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?

I liked using the acrylic paint the best. I liked mixing the paint and trying to get the best secondary colors I could make. Sometimes I did not have enough yellow when I mixed cyan and yellow to get the green, so I need more then I had too much so I need to add more blue. This went back and forth until I had the perfect green I wanted. I did not care the charcoal pencil because I was too thinking I was going to press too hard when I got to the white side of the value scale. The charcoal was a little messy too. It seemed to get everywhere. It was all over my paper and hand. I’m not sure if this is normal for charcoal pencils or if it was just me.

3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?

I think the most important thing was the primary colors that I have always known are not the primary colors. Magenta, yellow and cyan are the true primary colors. Mixing these colors create black if you mix the colors red, blue and yellow only create brown.

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

The most important thing that I have learned was the primary colors are not red, blue and yellow. It seems like it is built into your brain as a child that those are the three primary colors. Also, mixing red, blue and yellow create brown not black which is what you get when you mix magenta, cyan and yellow. I like the videos they were quick and showed everything that was needed to understand the material and how to create the projects.

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