Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog 3

1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.

Color has a major effect on mood and emotions. While exploring My Art Studio I found it very interesting to see the effect color has on certain objects, for example, the Valentine’s day card was shown in pink and red both warm and loving colors. When the card turned to blue it gave me the sense of cold and negative feeling not like a Valentine’s Day card should be. When the stop sign was shown and the red light I felt the feeling to stop, but when the sign said stop and it was green I wanted to go because green means “go.” The intensity of the color also goes a long way in showing emotions. When a color is bright and high intensity has a brighter color hue while lower intensity has a duller and lighter color shade.

2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?

The most intriguing part of color to me is Color Harmonies. I think it is so interesting how an artist can use one specific color hue and create a painting with such emotion and movement with just using one color, for example, Inka Essenhigh’s In Bed painting. This work of art is an example of Monochromatic painting. This is just demonstrates the artist’s talent and imagination when creating works of art. The artist needs to be able to see a work of art and how it will turn out and show the emotions that they want to express in their works of art.

3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

During this video the biggest impact I had in regards to color was the way that artists can see it everywhere. I have never realized how much art and color is all around us. This artist went to Venice and on a street looking at a building she saw color and a lot of it. When I first looked at the same scene I saw a building and the only color that struck me was the color of a boat, it was nothing special to me but she saw art in the buildings and features around it. When her “rough sketch” was completed it was fantastic she shown such more color then I even saw until I saw how she saw it. It was very interesting to see the way an artist sees color and how she brought it out in her painting.

4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

During the feeling video it was very interesting to see the effects of color and art in religious elements. The effects it has on the religious figures and how the figures are depicted in certain colors and how the color shows the mood and emotions during the scenes depicted. The power of color has a huge effect on the emotions you feel when you look at these works of art. The color can put a somber mood (dark colors)on painting or a happy (bright colors) or excited emotion while viewing a happy or exciting event that is depicted. The 18th century had a large impact of the art and use of color in artwork, greater number of artworks were being created with scenes of history and events that have happened during the time and not of Christianity.

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